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Author Guidelines

Style: Manuscripts accepted for publication will need to be formatted more specifically according to journal style

Spelling: Follow English rather than American English:
"realise", ​rather than​ "realize"
"organisation", rather than "organization"
​"colour", rather than "color"​

Length: In general, length for essays is 5,000 to 10,000 words.

Abstract: provide an abstract of 200 - 250 words.

Keywords: not more than seven

Illustrations: Images should be at least 96 ppi and maximum 2M in JPEG format. You must secure written permission(s) and pay any applicable permission or reproduction costs for any images for which you do not hold the copyright.

Emphasis: should be in italics, no underlines nor bold face.

Examples: should be numbered and referred to by number, glossing of examples: use Leipzig glossing rules.

Quotations: use double quotation marks. Punctuation marks should be placed outside the quote, e.g.: "A scientist, whether theorist or experimenter, puts forward statements... and tests them step by step" (Popper 1959:4).

Numerals: zero to nine are spelt out. 10 and above are given in numerals, except when initiating a sentence

Percentages in scientific notations: always use numerals: e.g.: 9%

Punctuation: The use of the hyphen in punctuation is avoided. Replace hyphens with colons and commas.

Citations: In-text citations, style APA 7th. Citations of references take the form (Johnsen, 2014, p. 131),  (Johnsen & Normann, 2008), (Johnsen et al., 2016, p.63) etc.

Reference list: Full references should be provided in APA 7th form: Author, A. A. (year). Title. Journal title in italicsvolume(issue), pages.<doinumber>.

Text formatting:

Font: Open sans

Article Title: font size 24

Author: Full name(s), bold, font size 11

Abstract: font size 12

Main text: font size 11

Paragraph: no indent, however there should be a line breadth space. Please justify text 

Title (level 1): bold, font size 16

Subtitle (level 2): font size 14

Subtitle (level 3): bold, font size 11

Figures and tables: should be numbered, be referred to by number and have captions. Table captions should be placed above the table. Figure captions should be placed below the figure. Bold, font size 11. 

Text in tables and figures: font size 10

Bio statement: Please write a short bio statement for each author after reference list. Please make also sure that all authors are registered as users with all necessary information in our website.


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