How trade unions can influence the adoption of new technologies

  • Peter Totterdill Workplace Innovation Europe CLG


In June 2023, Bridges 5.0 partner Valeria Cirillo and her colleagues at the University of Bari (Italy) published an article1 on trade union responses to the adoption of new technologies. Peter Totterdill talked to her about the article and its implications for Industry 5.0.                       

Author Biography

Peter Totterdill, Workplace Innovation Europe CLG
Peter is a Founding Director of Workplace Innovation Europe CLG, a not-for-profit organisation created to help public and private sector organisations achieve enhanced performance and better working lives. He holds Visiting Professorships at Kingston University London and Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius.

Peter’s career has focused on building bridges between academic knowledge and practice. He co-created the concept of workplace innovation, now being adopted by companies and policymakers across Europe and beyond.

Peter has led successful innovation and change initiatives in private and public sector organisations. He has also worked closely with policymakers in several countries, and in the European Commission where he has been a consistent advocate for workplace innovation.
