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Tavares, António Alberto Nifrário de Pinho
Thøring, Linn, SINTEF Digital, dept. of Technology management
Tischler, Victoria, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0086-1906
Totterdill, Peter
Totterdill, Peter, Director Workplace Innovation Europe CLG (Nottingham, UK and Dublin, Ireland) and Visiting Professor of Kingston University (London, UK) and Mykolas University (Vilnius, Lithuania). (United Kingdom)
Totterdill, Peter, UK Work Organisation Network
Totterdill, Peter, UK Work Organisation Network (UKWON)
Totterdill, Peter, Workplace Innovation Europe CLG
Totterdill, Peter, Workplace Innovation LTD
Totterdill, Peter, Workplace Innovation Europe CLG (Ireland)
Trainor, Mary, Health and Safety Executive
Trigg, Laura, University of Exeter
Tutchell, Eva, Independent researcher
Tønnessen, Øystein, University of Agder