
  • Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning

    Focus and Scope

    Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL) is an international open access journal which publishes scholarly articles on subjects related to teaching and learning foreign languages, particularly in the Nordic context. The journal promotes research and professional development work across the Nordic countries, although articles within the fields of foreign language learning and teaching from outside this region are also accepted. Articles focussing on foreign language teaching and learning from interdisciplinary perspectives will also be considered. Articles may be written in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, English, French, German, Spanish.

    NJLTL has two sections. The main section contains double-blind, peer-reviewed articles. Our forum section features shorter articles of general interest such as book reviews, opinion pieces, lectures, professional development reports or contributions from educators and students about hands-on experiences in the classroom. 





  • European Journal of Workplace Innovation

    Workplace Innovation is described by the European Workplace Innovation Network (EUWIN) as the participatory and inclusive nature of innovations that embed workplace practices grounded in continued reflection, learning and improvements, in the way in which organisations manage their employees, organise work and deploy technologies. It builds bridges between the strategic knowledge of the leadership, the professional and tacit knowledge of frontline employees, and the design knowledge of experts.

    Workplace Innovation seeks to engage all stakeholders in dialogue in which the force of the better argument prevails. Workplace Innovation manifests itself in empowering job design, self-organised team working, continuous improvement groups, high involvement practices and representative partnership structures whose concerns transcend traditional industrial relations, and the encouragement of entrepreneurial behaviour at all levels of the organisation.

    Workplace Innovation is inherently social because it derives from interaction between different stakeholders both within and outside the organisation. It is directed at the simultaneous improvement of organisational performance and quality of working life.

    The European Journal of Workplace Innovation is published by the Department of Working Life and Innovation at the University of Agder, Norway, within their set of online journals. The plan is to publish two issues a year. The first issue appeared in February 2015. The journal welcomes articles that collect short cases from as many countries as possible. EJWI will also be encouraging reviews of alternative perspectives on Innovation, including the recognition that Workplace Innovation incorporates diverse perspectives and debates.

    Editor in Chief:  Richard Ennals, University of Agder, Norway richard.ennals@gmail.com

    Managing Editor: Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen, University of Agder, Norway

    Co-Editor: Oyvind Pålshaugen, Work Research Institute, Norway

    ISSN Number: 2387-4570

  • (Discontinued) Norwegian eJournal of Music Research

    The Journal has been discontinued. Norwegian eJournal of Music Research — is an electronic, Open Access Internet publication of music research, founded in 2010 and hosted by University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts. The Faculty consists of Institute for Popular Music, Institute for Classical Music and Music Education and Institute for Visual Arts and Drama. Research activities at the Faculty of Fine Arts are connected to artistic performance, and the faculty’s academic staff is qualified with both artistic and academic skills. Artistic performance is the key focus area for many staff members; others have strong expertise in didactics and education. Main focus areas are popular music performance and contextual studies within the arts – Art in Context.

    NTM online follows the standards of Academic level publishing set forth by the Norwegian Government and will reflect a wide variety of perspectives from many disciplines within the musicological field, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches. We accept contributions from institutions and independent scholars worldwide written in Scandinavian (Norwegian, Swedish and Danish), Anglophone  (both British and American) or German languages. The author must be consistent throughout the text and follow the grammatical standards of the chosen language. We use anonymous, international peer reviewers.

    Given that NTM online is an electronic publication, the author is given the technological advantage to integrate texts, sounds, videos and graphics into their scholarly presentation. We also welcome traditional text based manuscripts. If there are matters to discuss regarding the technological possibilities, please contact the Chief Editor.

    We also accept submissions of shorter texts, such as discussions, reviews, conference reports and commentaries. We will at occasions also present scholarly work produced by University of Agder’s staff and Research Fellows.

    We prefer submissions to be sent by e-mail. The author must follow the Author Guidelines presented at the Journal’s webside: Click here.


    Chief Editor: Associate Professor Robin Rolfhamre, robin.rolfhamre@uia.no

    University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts