Towards language-sensitive teacher education: Developing a teacher competence taxonomy for the language dimension in languages and other subjects

  • Lukas Bleichenbacher
  • Anna Schröder-Sura
Keywords: curricular coherence, language-sensitive education, language-related teacher education, plurilingual and intercultural competences, teacher development


One of the aims of teacher education is to contribute to continuity in plurilingual, intercultural, and language-sensitive education, across subjects and educational levels. In this paper, we present selected results of two European projects that support this aim. The article outlines the background and potential of a taxonomy of teacher competences that exemplifies dimensions of language-related teacher competence shared by teachers of languages and other subjects. The dimensions include descriptors for teaching competences proper, for collaboration with other teachers and stakeholders, and for teacher development. Furthermore, a dimension containing competences related to the analysis of languages, discourse and cultures reframes aspects of language teachers’ content knowledge as a competence domain that is relevant, albeit to varying degrees, for all teachers. Two transversal dimensions, which contain teachers’ language and digital competences, an overview of teachers’ values and principles, and an account of professional learning opportunities complete the taxonomy.
